Our story of hope: Waste to wonder

Hi, I’m Lizl and I’m a recovering nomad.

This wandering lifestyle, although interesting, wasn’t necessarily by choice. Up until today, as a couple, we’ve moved over 42 times. In 2002, at the age of 24, Ashley and I tied the knot and started our lives together. I still smile when I think about our naivety and the level of optimism we had when we took on the world!

We both worked in corporate, but our passion and purpose have always been connected to communities and people. After all, our love story began at the age of 21 at a community centre in Paarl, where we first met.

Five months into our marriage, I had an unfortunate freak accident at our duplex flat, when I fell off the stairs and nearly broke my back. I can still hear the doctor’s words ringing in my ears; ‘If your body swung a little to the left or to the right, you could have been paralyzed!’ His words haunted me for weeks while I recovered at home. Turned out I only broke the 2 wings off my lower vertebrae.

But locking up a creative for 8 weeks in a bed is not a good idea! I was bored out of my socks! Ashley went to work daily and I was stuck in bed! After about 3 weeks I really felt well enough to drive, against the doctor’s initial orders not to! I carefully got in my car and slowly drove to the closest bead shop! I was desperate to get out! 😊

To cut a long story short, making jewellery in bed was a lifesaver. It gave me so much pleasure and when I returned to the office most of my colleagues were interested. After careful consideration and consulting with Ashley, I decided to quit my job, to pursue the jewellery business fulltime.

So in 2004, Lilly Loompa Jewellery was born. It took me some time to settle on a name for the business, but I knew it had to have longevity and substance. When I was a child, Lilly was my nickname and Loompa comes from my favourite children’s book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 😊

Some of the custom jewellery I used to make

Fast forward to 2010. By this time I have qualified as an Interior Decorator and Lilly Loompa Jewellery is no longer. Our family has grown with two girls added, Chelsea and Kirsten. In blind faith we decided to move to Jozi after a series of failed business transactions and investments. I start a blog to chronicle our moves and adventures so our family back home can stay in the loop. Because we never have any budget for decorating, I’m always rummaging for treasures to upcycle as furniture. I post these DIY stints on my blog and occasionally submit them as articles to a few magazines.

One of my favourite memories of our time in Johannesburg. We used to hike through the city on weekends

Another few unfortunate events happen over the next few years, which culminates to us losing everything over 4 times. Illegal evictions, robberies and our car stolen, among a few. During these desperate times of homelessness and being uprooted, I cling on to my passion of making a home and doing it with NOTHING. We are barely making it with no income and no budget, only by the grace of God. He dispatched so many angels, too many to mention. Not forgetting our parents and family who supported us so faithfully and still continues today.

I remember one specific day in 2014 when I fell to my knees and cried out, ‘LORD, please just give me an idea!’ Being the humorous God He is, He showed me waste! So Lilly Loompa was resurrected again, this time as an upcycling business.

Moving back home

In 2016, our season in Jozi came to an end and we moved back to Paarl! Since then, we’ve been rebuilding our lives and God has slowly, but faithfully, been restoring our lives.

Lilly Loompa is part of my life story. Ashley always says she our eldest daughter. πŸ˜‚She is strong, creative and passionate. Above all, she is tenacious and determined to showcase the possibilities that can be found in waste.

Waste is an unearthed mountain of possibilities!

Lilly Loompa manufactures a variety of products, from storage holders, lamps, to dinner table accessories, among others. Our homeware is created through a process of hipcycling, which is essentially upcycling discarded waste and transforming it into desirable products that would complement your home. Eco-friendly, handcrafted and 100% South African, each Lilly Loompa piece, once trash, is now a meaningful piece of treasure.

My lockdown story: The history of the My Africa Range

In the midst of a global pandemic, and SA’s first lockdown in history, an idea was born.

Allow me to share my story of HOPE with you.

In May 2020, during lockdown, my family and I took a walk around the small holding where we live. I noticed a discarded piece of wood and picked it up. It was a little heavy, so I put it aside and asked my hubby to collect it with the car when he passed there again. It took him a good few weeks to eventually remember! 

Discarded plywood

He finally brought it home and having a slight obsession with the shape of the African continent, I immediately knew what it was going to be – an artwork in the shape of Africa. I didn’t know how to do it, but my gift kicked in, and God gave me the insight on how to do it with the limited tools I had. What makes this even more unique is that I drew the Africa shape by hand, so not every nook and cranny is accurate. But that makes it even more special.

I cut out the shape of the African Continent

As some of you might know my nature, I couldn’t waste the negative of the cut out, and I took it a step further. I cut a border around the negative and it became a frame. Then I sort of parked this project for a few days.

I cut a frame with the remaining piece of wood

Oblivious to the response I would get, I posted a picture of me holding the frame on AFRICA DAY!

Posing for a picture on Africa Day!

Surprisingly, I was inundated with people requesting the product. I was quite unprepared for the response and just politely informed them that I would consider it and let them know if I decide to start producing it someday! 😊

Unaware to the growing interest, a few months passed when I received another few inquiries. I seriously started to consider the Africa Frame as a product to my range. I consulted with my creative team (me, myself and I lol!) and I contacted all the clients who showed interest, and they were still serious about wanting it! So, the journey of the My Africa range was born.

First orders

I contracted the manufacturing to a local environmentally conscious manufacturing studio with a creative approach to industrial design, interiors and architecture. They get timber from demolition yards or building sites under renovation. All of their timber off-cuts go to people who can use it for firewood or building and fixing their homes.

Lizl with frame
In client’s home
In client’s office space
Trio family of frames in client’s home

Then, when I thought it couldn’t get any better, God gave me another brilliant idea! The “My Africa Lap Desk”, which is totally original and exclusive to Lilly Loompa! The only one of its kind in the world! WOW! I am so humbled by God and the work He is doing in our lives. I am not telling you this story to brag, but to testify of the goodness of God!

Lizl with desk
Multi-functional item
The main function of the desk is a remote working tool

Am I allowed to choose a favourite? It is definitely the My Africa Lap Desk!

Remember, as entrepreneurs, my husband and I was also hard-hit because of the lockdown so we didn’t have any income. So what started out as a personal DIY dΓ©cor project for my home, is now a range product added to my range, and has allowed my business to explore new markets and possibilities!

Don’t brush off your God-given talent and gifts. Learn to unearth what He has placed inside of you! Try and listen to His nudges, and you will surprise yourself with your own capabilities! Are these products perfect and complete? Nope, but instead of waiting for the perfect design and favourable circumstances, I have stepped out in faith and allowed God to do a work through my hands. May God bless you on your journey, don’t be afraid, take that first step! The world is waiting to be awed by your gift!

What we got up to in 2021

Being natural optimists, we tackled 2021 with vigour and passion! And, we are happy to say, our efforts paid off!
Allow us to share a few highlights with you! 

In March we were one of four ladies to receive the very first SiAWECCA award!

Working with waste can be a dirty job (excuse the pun!), but it is all worth it when we can play a part in reducing climate change!
As part of our prize, we were awarded a small grant, a website upgrade, a corporate video as well as a 6-month incubator. Excitement grew as in May we travelled (for the first time in a long time lol) to Pretoria for our first in-person workshop! 

Last month we opened our first ever showroom!

Lizl in the showroom space

Mail & Guardian 2021 Greening the Future Winner!

We are truly honoured to have been recognised as a Mail & Guardian 2021 Greening the Future Winner in November!

Being recognised gives credibility to our cause of “Cleaning SA through innovative upcycling!”

Work with us in 2022!

We have a goal to clean our neighbourhoods, and ultimately South Africa, through innovative upcycling! But we need your help!

  • Consider supporting our cause by purchasing our goods as gifts for your friends and family!
  • Share our content on your social media platforms
  • If you have purchased from us, consider leaving us a review on social media! This creates awareness of our products and services 
  • Corporates – support local! Talk to us regarding your corporate gifting needs!

Thanks again for your wonderful support! 

Upcycling a fish can: The journey of the humble “Toona can”

Who would have guessed that one of my smallest products, would become my most popular?

The idea to upcycle a can came to me about a year ago when I developed the Pea can stationery holder. Read about it here.


As I was designing a product for specifically the tourist market, IΒ realised that this specific can was not practical in terms of size and packaging. So I went back to the drawing board!

I started designing a few icons and lids for the tuna cans…yes…fish cans. They immediately started selling, but the product development was far from done.

I went on to work on a few different ranges from animals to plants, etc. I also had a set-back when the supplier’s laser machine packed up. I quickly had to find another supplier to help me roll out the product fast enough to satisfy the demand.

I found a great supplier who helped me refine the product even further. Since then, I have been supplying some tourist shops in and around the city.

However, we needed another platform to officially launch our product into the market. So we recently took part in an awesome local platform for handmade creativity, called Kamersvol Geskenke, or KAMERS/Makers.

Chatting to clients

Explaining the benefits of the product


Gained some new fans!


Tuis Home Magazine loved it!


A picture sent by a fan/client after the show


The response to the product has really surprised me. Not that I didn’t expect it…I LOVE IT! It really is such a cool way of upcycling tuna cans!


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The time has come to take control of my money!

So I haven’t posted in a long while! Eish!Β Between balancing family and business life, I hardly have had time to write! However, it is never too late to start again! πŸ™‚

As of late, I have felt my money affairs spiral out of control. 😬 In between managing multiple budgets (I am sure you know about that), I found it was just not working. Day after day, I felt more and more confused as to the cash in my pocket. Especially as I am also running my business and needing to keep cash money separate from our household money.

In an attempt to take control, I spoke to the person I know manages her money the best…my Mom-in-law. She is a super efficient money manager! I have been observing her for years, and cannot believe I didn’t speak to her sooner! I think people, in general, are just embarrassed to talk about money.

Anyhow, she gave me some great tips! On top of that, I took a few hours out this past week to research an easy budgeting system. Well, I found one that definitely spoke to me. Watch this great video!

This is really a basic but effective system and I felt so inspired by this video, I immediately decided to take action! I NEED A WALLET! 😜

So yesterday I went shopping for one! All the while, being Lilly Loompa, I kept thinking of how I can make one with waste! Hehe! I quickly canned that idea as I hate sewing! Anyway, I didn’t find a wallet big enough to hold the standard size envelope. So in true Lilly Loompa style, I decided to make my own envelopes!Β πŸ˜„

Here follows my picture tutorial:

This is how small my daily bag is!

I just loved the practicality of wearing a smaller bag…it felt easier to keep safe and close to me. I love this bag! Below is the contents of my bag. More cards than anything else! But…they are all debit cards…I am pleased to say not one credit card!


I know…time for a bigger bag!

I started looking for on-line templates and then realised my printer was out of order. Thus I measured and cut my own template based on the size of our South African money notes. I didn’t have thick paper, so I used a promotional book about an international school of design I picked up at an expo recently.

Here is a link to an on-line tutorial I found useful.

Fold your envelope and secure the bottom side with double-sided tape. I used magic tape as it is all I had on-hand. The idea is to get started. Do not be fixated on getting it perfect. Use what you have! I made two envelopes to start off. I also kept my original template safe for future use.


Then I realised I forgot to make one for my business.


Since we still have a few days over for November, I decided to start now. You will see I allocated only a small amount for the week, to start training myself to be disciplined. I am very excited to start this new journey.

Now to go wallet shopping!  😜 Let me know what you think? Is this doable in SA? What do you think is a reasonable grocery budget?

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Lessons from Kilimanjaro

β€œEvery mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”

β€” Barry Finlay, Kilimanjaro and Beyond

Establishing a business is really not for the faint-hearted. It requires faith, stamina, and perseverance. In essence…it is more of a mental challenge to overcome than anything else.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with a remarkable lady about two years ago, on Women’s day, to be exact. Here is an extract from my Facebook post a few days later.

On Women’s Day, I attended an awesome event in Sandton, Johannesburg. I was shown to my seat at table 6. A part of me wondered who I might be seated next to.
The first lady guest arrived. She sat on my left. We immediately connected and chatted away. Another lady (slightly older than me) came to sit next to me to my right. She introduced herself and we struck up a conversation. A few minutes later, I recognized the next guest. I heard her speak at another event about a month ago, and learned that she had just climbed Kilimanjaro successfully! As she introduced herself, I jokingly called her β€œthe Kilimanjaro lady”! We had a great laugh. Then the lady seated on the right calmly said: β€œI also did Kilimanjaro…about 15 years ago.” Wow! What a coincidence? That two women who both climbed the highest mountain in Africa would sit next to me?

I was fascinated and bombarded the older lady with all kinds of questions. Her answer, in short, was: β€œIt is definitely more of a mental challenge than it is physical. I didn’t train as hard physically as some of my other team members, and many of them succumbed to the pressure and quit. But I was mentally prepared on so many levels, and that is why I made it!” I was stunned. It dawned on me that as an Entrepreneur, I am climbing my own Kilimanjaro.

So here are the lessons I learned at that table on Tuesday:

1. I am overcoming challenges in my business every day, by using my mental health and well-being. If you have never been an entrepreneur, you would never understand the pain and frustrations we go through. Whether we have chosen to follow this path willingly or not, it requires constant problem-solving skills and a level of presence. I voluntarily choose to get up every morning because I believe in my dream of building a legacy and business that will benefit the greater mankind. That lady chose to tackle Kilimanjaro by putting one foot in front of the other and pushing herself to achieve her dream. I too am choosing to put one foot in front of the other all the way to the summit!

2. Women are the most amazing beings. They birth, they feed, they clothe, they nurture, they cry and weep, but they also laugh and conquer! I am so honoured to be surrounded by so many great women. My Moms, my sisters, my girlfriends and my fellow women entrepreneurs. And at that table, I was surrounded by greatness!

Surround yourself with people who believe in you and motivate you. We women cannot help but build and we choose to build together!” If that was the only reason I had to attend that event…I have learned very valuable lessons. Now I must mention that I have no plans to climb Kilimanjaro anytime soon! But respect to those who have! But I will keep climbing!

Originally published on:Β http://www.lionessesofafrica.com/blog/lessons-from-kilimanjaro

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Happy anniversary to us!!

Here are some fast facts you may not know about Lilly Loompa:

  • Technically it is 13 years old. I started this creative company in 2004 as a Jewellery Artist

  • Lilly Loompa Eco Products and Furniture was launched exactly one year ago on this day!
  • I made history by launching the very first social media auction of its kind on 12 September 2016. See the video below


  • In the last year we have made over 100 products – these differ from exclusive, once-off pieces to smaller items.
  • We have over 20 different products – from tables to lamps, to products made with tuna cans!

  • We have survived an inter-provincial move (Jozi to Cape Town). I bet you want to ask which is better? Uhm…the jury is out on that one!
  • Slowly but surely we have managed to gain 778 social media followers
  • We joined a great on-line shopping platform called Made in Everywhere. Check it out here.

Thank you to all our loyal supporters! ❀

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Confronting the friendly giant called “The Media”

The media sometimes comes across as a scary monster. Being a visual thinker, I always imagined it to be a big creature sitting behind a desk chewing papers. To sum it up in one word…it seemed intimidating. As of late and out of my personal experience as an entrepreneur, I can safely say…the media is and can be a friendly giant.Β 

The perception exists that the news and media only focus on the bad and scandalous bits of the day, however, they also want to feature good news. If you have a newsworthy article or product, they want to hear from you. Maybe you are not visible enough!

I want to share a few tips from my experience as an entrepreneur approaching the media over the last few years:

1. Make a list of the media platforms you would like to be featured on – tv, print, blogs, newspapers, etc. Study them and see what kind of content they feature.

2.Β Do an e-introduction. Start by sending a short email, introducing yourself and your business. Follow this up with a telephone call. Find an angle to introduce your product or service to them. Maybe quote an excerpt from an article and use that as an entry point to the discussion.

3. Cultivate the relationship. Be honest and friendly. Do not exploit their position by submitting content that is offensive or of no value. Always submit content that would add value to their subscribers and readers.

4. Ask what they want and need. The media industry work according to planned schedules and you can use this to your advantage. They have themes for each print and if they are willing, ask them for a list of their themes for the year so you can be better prepared when launching a new product.

5. Supply them with high res images of your product and good copy. Would you believe me if I told you the pic below was taken on my bed with a smart phone? With a little light and imagination (and some editing), I managed to take a product picture that I could send to a magazine and they featured it! If you can, pay a photographer to take good quality pictures. Good pictures will assist you in getting new customers and following!



6. It helps when your product has a great back story i.e. of creating employment, rags-to-riches, etc. As a Social Entrepreneur, the story of my life and business is all about restoring both products and people. So, tell your story and how you are impacting the world in a positive way. People want to know the person behind the product.


7. Focus on the human element. If your business has a strong social message, proclaim it! Use your voice to raise relevant issues of the day. For example, I have decided to use my designs and products to raise awareness regarding my opinions. Instead of venting about it on social media, I now let my products talk for me, in a more constructive manner.


8. If at first, you don’t succeed, try again. Listen to their advice and criticism. Ask them to give you advice on how to improve your submission for the next time.

9. Be visible on social media. Much of my media coverage has come because I am consistently visible on social media, my blog, and other on-line platforms. Possible investors and journalists are always on the look-out for potential and if you’re active on the web…they will find you! Be sure to have a consistent message throughout. Also, consider what you say! It can either benefit you or be to your detriment!

As business owners, we wear many hats, and whether we like it or not, being our own public relations people is one of them. Building healthy relationships with editors of newspapers and magazines is crucial, especially more so when you have a physical product to present to the market. The same applies for on-line news platforms and radio.Β 

Get over your fear, and start by contacting them today!

First appeared on Lionesses Of Africa

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Our lamp featured in SA Home Owner

I am always super excited when my work gets noticed by the media! Especially more so when my design inspiration is considered a touchy subject!

Here is the printed text:

“Inspired by her return to the Western Cape, Lizl Naude’s slave bell desk lamp re-purposes discarded wood and tin cans to create a beautiful, functional homage to those who built this land from the ground up.”


I posted about the Slave Bell Lamp a few months ago. Read about it here.

#grateful #rememberingslavery ❀



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Trash does not have to look ugly!

Deciding to live green does not mean you have to compromise on design. In actual fact, recycling discarded goods, gives you the ability to revamp and possibly improve on an existing design, without spending a fortune.

Recycling is the act of processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products.Β  As a creative I find it really exciting to find a furniture piece or a discarded item on the side of the road. When I do, I try and push myself to find a unique new design, or purpose for the chucked-out piece.

A while back someone gave me two concrete core samples as she knew I could use it somehow.

Because there is no steel in the core, it is prone to crumble and break. I decided to use slices in my latest lamp design.

This has a two-fold function: Firstly it makes the base heavier and sturdier. Secondly it gives the base some texture and makes the overall design more interesting. (Apologies for low resolution pics)

Just completed in workshop


Copper core lamp


Made with 90% recycled material


For the base I used one of the bookends I salvaged a few years ago to make the Pixar Lamp.

Discarded book-ends

I also used a piece of copper as the backbone. And some odds and ends to complete the product.


On display in shop along with my other products

No need for trash to look ugly! I love it to the core! ❀


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I just made up a word!

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to speak at the Open Design Festival‘s Talk100 Sessions, in Cape Town. I was privileged to have a 20 minute slot to talk about anything design!

Most of my design thinking is about creating awareness about social problems. Something that evolved naturally as those issues have impacted my life, directly or indirectly in some way. Instead of moaning about issues, I have decided to constructively address it through design, furniture and products.

The historic City Hall of Cape Town


Some of my lamps in the Made in Everywhere pop-up store

On stage

What a beautiful, historic building to visit and I had an opportunity to speak my voice! And I made history by making up a new word!Β Β INNOCESSITY πŸ™‚

Here follows my presentation to explain:



Read about how I made this table here.Β 

Read the article about the Pixar lamp here. Here is an example of another tin can lamp.

We run these programmes under The Chosen Foundation. Read more about it here.

You can support my cause and buying my products here.

And on the Made in Everywhere websiteΒ πŸ™‚ Whoop!

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Oh…Mother City!

Last week we went on a trip to the Mother City of Cape Town! I regularly visit the city for work and business, but have always had a desire to spent a night. In all my years living in the Western Cape, I have never slept in the city!

You all know my fascination with cities like Johannesburg. Read about it here!Β I love learning about the city where I live and play. This was an impromptu trip…just like I like it!

We stayed with a great couple called Igrid and Basil. Their lodge is in Kloofzight, and the My city bus-stop is literally opposite their home. So convenient. We love public transport and took a bus to Houtbay.

Family selfie

On of the bus stops en-route to Camps Bay


En-route to Camps bay


Enjoying the sun in Hout Bay


Beautiful Houtbay


Sea gulls

We had lunch at Fish on the Rocks, our favourite place to have fish and chips. Then we accidentally discovered Bay Harbour market in one of the old fish factory buildings just opposite the eatery. What a great place to hang out! The vibe was great…and the artisans and design work on display even better! We spent the whole afternoon browsing and enjoying the atmosphere! Sorry I didn’t take any photos!

Then jumped on the bus again back to our room.


Sunset below Table Mountain

After a good night’s rest, we took some great pictures, and greeted our very hospitable hosts. We prayed on the rooftop before we left.

View from the top


A view from the rooftop


Perfect weather



Lions head


What a backdrop!

What a great time we had…and the weather was perfection! A great way to end of the school holidays…and I have inspiration for daaayyyyyys! πŸ™‚


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Innovation is easy pea(sy)

Innovation: {The creation of something in the mind;Β The act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new}

This idea came to me in the midnight hours. As the saying goes: “Great ideas don’t keep office hours” πŸ™‚

We are in the midst of a water crisis and I thought of creating some awareness around it. Cactus plants are water-wise plants and require very little water to thrive.

I also thought of a way for people to still enjoy some greenery on their desks, without having to water it! So I designed a little stationery holder…specifically for paper clips. It is made using a pea can or food can.

Initial sketch

CAD drawing

Did you know?Β Paper clips were used to help fight the Nazis.Β During the Second World War, Norwegian resistance fighters attached a single paper clip to their lapel as a subtle indication that they were taking the fight to Hitler’s troops.


Completed product

I am all about being practical. On the inside of the lid is a handy magnet to keep your paper clips close and handy.

On the desk

Cuteness! πŸ™‚ From kitchen waste to a functional, cute product!

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The inspiration behind the Slave Bell Lamp

I am no social activist, but as of late I find I want to express my opinion regarding social matters through my designs.

A native of the Western Cape, I lived in Johannesburg for the last 7 years and recently returned back home. In a way, my absence made me oblivious to certain ills of our tainted history.


Ironically, despite all the efforts made, the great divide still exists and it is more and more evident that the gap of inequality is getting bigger…instead of narrowing. Β The effect it has had on me is quite shocking and monuments like the slave bell towers that are scattered on many farms, has started an emotional battle within me. And instead of ranting and raving, I have decided to create constructive awareness through design.








Enough said. All I ask is that we remember.

#blackconsciousness #rememberslavery #remembrance #slavery


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Behind the scenes of CGTN Interview

What a crazy few weeksΒ for Lilly Loompa!

Crazy but good! In April our work was picked up by an International News Bureau, Chinese Global Television Network (CGTN)Β and they visited our workshop in Cape Town, South Africa, to document what I do!

Here are some behind the scenes pictures, courtesy of my dear friend, Natalie Gabriels.



A little bit more relaxed now!


Leon is such a great guy…made me feel really relaxed!


Get to work!


Demonstrating the making of a product


You feel so much pressure when people are watching you’re every move!


The making of a Triangle tin can lamp


Pic of our product in SA Homeowner Mag


And that’s a wrap!

Julie Scheier is the correspondent who contacted me. Unfortunately she could not attend on the day. Leon Hagen who conducted the interview is such a great guy! He made me feel very relaxed and never once put pressure on me! A genuine nice guy…with almost 30 years experience in TV.

Here is a link to the segment:

It is certainly true that the TV adds a few pounds! Whoo-eh-eh! I blame these wonderful Cape Town koeksisters and my lack of discipline!

All in all…a wonderful experience. I am truly blessed!

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How I upgraded to junk-status

Junk-status – the word of the moment…or maybe it has been for the last few months.

As an ordinary South African, I have some idea of what it means for our country. In a nutshell, it means that we have been flushed down the credit drain by a plague of bad leadership decisions. And a reshuffle.

This news spread unwanted doom and gloom in an already unstable economy. Instead of wallowing over something I have no control over, in a strange way, this news immediately reminded me of my own downgrade I experienced about 10 years ago.

I was blacklisted and cast out of the credit system through a bad financial investment. This caused me and my family many years of financial trouble and sleepless nights. Inadvertently, our lives changed forever. For many years it was a struggle to survive…we literally lived from hand-to-mouth.

About 6 years ago, I started building furniture for my own home, out of necessity. Guess what I used to build it with? RUBBISH…JUNK!

The strangest thing happened – out of lack and with some creativity, I started my business, Lilly Loompa.

I decided to use the resources I had and started building beautiful, useful pieces that made my home better. It made me feel better about my situation. These pieces made out of junk, was the manifestation of the mess I found myself in.

Unknowingly, I UPGRADED to junk-status, and I loved it! This is what this experience has taught me:

  1. Use what you have! I am a firm believer of this and it has become one of my life-values. When you have nothing in your grocery cupboards, start growing a food garden! Live off the earth!

Made with junk! Tin can lamp by Lilly Loompa

  1. Stay positive – It is so easy to become downcast and depressed when you find yourself in an unwanted situation. Read motivational books and autobiographies of people that inspire you. Exercise more and eat healthier.


  1. Downgrade your lifestyle – Do not even attempt to keep up with the Jones’. Learn to live with less. Sell your fancy home, and buy a more affordable one. Eat less at restaurants, and have more picnics.


  1. Live simpler – Get rid of complications in your life. Try to break away from the rat race by going to the park after work. Why not try to cook outdoors tonight? Instead of being cooped up inside the house?


  1. Be creative – Creativity grows more, through adversity. I have said this before and I still believe it now more than ever. Being strapped for cash should be an opportunity to start multiple income streams. Make a list of your skills and investigate and pursue income opportunities in those industries.


  1. Be content in the situation – Be happy. Laugh more in spite of what your reality says. See the lighter side in every situation…a good laughter session can cure the saddest heart.


  1. Don’t let depression rob you – I remember clearly many days I just wanted to get under the covers and stay there. I wanted to wallow and sulk. I felt like I was entitled to be depressed. Surround yourself with positive people that will decline an invite to your pity party.

Made with junk! Block lamp by Lilly Loompa


  1. Rags to riches – believe it can happen to you. Believe the unthinkable. Believe that through hard work and commitment, you story can change. Also know that your success story can free someone else from their prison!


β€œIf people throw stones at you, pick β€˜em up and build something.”


In my case, I have adapted it to read:


β€œIf life throw stones at you, pick β€˜em up and build something.”

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My dream living room is a quirky one

I never thought of myself as quirky, but as I have grown as a Designer, I find myself more and more drawn to the unusual.

General Geography Lamp

One of my designs – a desk lamp made out of a used book-end (Lilly Loompa)

So much so, that I am trying to break away from the traditional in so many areas of my life. Some may think I am a rebel, but maybe I just don’t like the conventional. Conventional is boring!

My most recent stint to fuel my hunger for the off-beat, is my home. My family and I live in a shipping container, called “House Madeline“.

It is far from complete, but it is a labour of love. We have been living in this home for close to 2 years and have recently shipped it to our home province, the Western Cape, where we liveΒ in it now.

As mentioned, it is far from complete. We have big plans to make it a comfortable, yet stylish home with personality! (maybe my personality…don’t tell my husband!)

Another design inspired by the environment I find myself in…Jozi Art (Lilly Loompa)

I want our house to reflect our true style and personality. I want it to be filled with items that make me happy and pieces that tell a story…just like my furniture pieces. So I have some ideas of what our living room should look like:

Crushing on Marissa Tomei’s apartment

I love Marissa Tomei’s style (not to mention that she is my hubby’s TV crush!). I really like the animal-skin tripod chair and the lamp, they add a uniqueness to her apartment.

I love retro furniture, especially this couch!

Again, above the natural elements speak to me! The nguni skin rug and the leather couch make the space feel warm and inviting.

The artwork isΒ unique but unified by framing it all in black

Light and airy spaces are essential for me.

Patterns, texture and plantsΒ are also non-negotiable!

I have recently seen a beautiful couch on Arhaus.Β I have decided to build a mood board around it:

Neutral colours for the base furnishings


Continuation with neutral colours and pops of turquiose

Colourful accents

Obviously these are ideas of what I would want to see in our living room. As a Eco-Designer, I have to stay true to my values and principles by re-using and buying green products. But I will use this as my guide for inspiration.

Have you designed your dream space? Are you living in it right now?Β Would love to hear from you! πŸ™‚

Sources: Lilly Loompa, Arhaus, Nkuli Mlangeni, Marisa TomeiΒ 

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6 Easy ways to apply creativity to your business


When I get a creative idea, it feels like the inside of my brain is having a fireworks display. Little pockets of colour and excitement explode non-stop and the only way to calm this euphoric sensation is by executing my idea. Sometimes it is easy to bring the idea to life, sometimes the execution becomes an experiment. Either way, I love this process. It allows me to explore unchartered territory, or even unusual ways of doing things.

In business, creativity is non-negotiable. In fact, I would dare to say…you cannot build a successful business or brand without it. I believe many businesses struggle because they have not struck a balance between good business practices and creativity. Not just creativity in the sense of a creative product, but applying creative thinking and creativeness in every area in business.

It is imperative that we constantly find creative ways of selling and building our brand. If we want to stand out from the crowd, we need to be different. Being different requires ingenuity. Standing out sometimes means swimming upstream.

A great example of constantly applying creativity in business is the Sir of business himself – Richard Branson. He has built an empire based on creativity and resourcefulness.

Let’s look at the word, creativity:

Creativity – the ability to create; the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness

Guess from which source I derived the above meaning? You guessed it, Google! One of the most creative companies of the modern-day world.

In my own business, I have to constantly look at new and creative ways of growing my brand and business.

Let us look at 6 easy ways of boosting creativity in your business…

1. Creative thinking

Take time during the day and dedicate it specifically to creative thinking. A practical example could be to keep an idea box. Write down your ideas (even if they seem far-fetched), and regularly re-visit them. Keep this box in a communal area and encourage your employees to use this system to also encourage team spirit.Β  Do not allow the box to gather dust! Open it at your weekly team meetings and try to apply at least one of these ideas per month. You could also keep it anonymous to refrain from judgmental tendencies.

2. Play area

Dedicate a communal area in your office for them to relax and β€œplay” in. Make it as interesting and stimulating as possible with bold wall colours and comfortable seating. A great example of this is again Googleplex in California. It is a place of complete delight and bliss. According to research, creating an interesting environment for staff members will also decrease absenteeism. Research also shows that mental breaks and playtime increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity.

3. Revisit product/service

Revisit your product or service and gauge it in the market. Study your competitors as well as general businesses who are reaching success in the market. Come up with new ways of selling your product to the market. I recently visited Expresso, South Africa’s first R10 coffee shop. It is a brilliant concept that sells great quality coffee and pastries at only R10 per serving!Β  I immediately fell in love with the brand as I find comfort in the fact that everything in store is R10. As a consumer I could feel the tangible generosity of the brand as I am receiving great value, at a great price!

4. Give them web-time

Yes! Allow them to play on the internet for a certain amount of time per day to research sales strategies and study the brand giants. Web platforms like Google and YouTube can be very resourceful to small businesses especially. We all use the phrase β€œGoogle it”. Although we do not encourage employees to spend hours upon hours playing senselessly on the internet, your business and sales can benefit exponentially from this exercise, done within limits.

5. Appoint a CCO (Chief Creative Officer)Β 

Give this informal title to your most creative employee. This is not a formal job position. It gives room for the staff member to constantly seek creative solutions. This could be a roving title as it spreads the responsibility and also motivates team spirit. Allow this person regular access to different departments to see how the operations work. This promotes transparency and allows them to find creative suggestions for streamlining operations and sales.

6. Forget about budget

Yes, I said it…forget the numbers! Do not let the lack of money and resources dampen your ideas or strategy. Most small business owners struggle with working capital and this can be quite disheartening. You are not alone…cheer up! Instead opt to implement the same idea with the money and resources available. If the idea is really good and you see benefit in it, try and raise the money to roll it out. Or put it on the back burner till you have the cash!

Because I sell a physical product, I need to apply creativity above all else when I design a new furniture piece. I pride myself on designing unique and exclusive items, thus I have to apply some of these above-mentioned ways to bring my designs into being and to market.

As in life, there are no guarantees, except if you diligently apply them, and almost force yourself out of your comfort zone, your business will start seeing growth.

As I mentioned earlier, fireworks are synonymous with celebrations and milestones. So my conclusion is that your creative ideas should be celebrated. They need to be brought to life…by you!

Lizl NaudeΒ is the founder of Lilly LoompaΒ in South Africa, a company that creates beautiful and usable furniture pieces made with recycled material. Lilly Loompa’s β€œRubbish Range” is the result of Lizl’s craving to deliver pieces that are completely “green”.Β Lizl is a self taught designer and started designing and making furniture because she couldn’t afford to buy new pieces to furnish her home. She started to scout and source for budget material and quickly realised that most people discard of very usable materials. This led to her building and designing beautiful furniture items that she used in her home.

WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM | Β Read Lizl’s startup story here.

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What would we do without the Sun?

Sun ~ {The star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system}

The sun is a miracle from God. πŸ™‚

It gives life and spreads its love across our globe. When I think of how much energy gets lost every day, without us harvesting it, I get a little sad.

We have tried our hand at some primal methods of harvesting the sun’s energy. In 2013 I tried some DIY methods to warm our water when our landlord at the time, refused to settle his municipal bill and the council cut our electricity supply. In hindsight, it was a learning curve.

Homemade shower

This was my homemade shower in 2013

We have a goal of building our container home totally off-grid and dependent on harvesting energy and water from nature. It has been said that:

“Enough sunlight reaches the Earth’s surface in one hourΒ to satisfy the whole world’s energy demands for an entire year.”

The problem is, we are not capturing or harvesting it. So in our little corner of the world, we are working on some DIY solutions for our home.

We currently do not have access to an electric geyser, so we do not have warm water readily available. Although cold showers are somewhat refreshing some days, other days you really need warm water to soothe your soul and for washing hair! Ashley came up with this idea to build our own solar geyser…please note it is still under construction:


Home-made solar geyser pitched on roof

The idea is that the black painted barrel on top will warm the water and relay it to the 2nd hand geyser at the bottom, which we will clothe in a geyser blanket. The bottom geyser will keep it warm, ready for use as we need it. The process will begin again, by filling up with cold water on top and repeating. It should work well as we have sun almost 9 months of the year in Jozi.

Until then, this is my system:

Plastic geyser

Catching the last bit of sun for the day!

Warming our water in a water dispenser, and using it as a shower! It works quite well. I fill it halfway with water and I place it in a warm sunny place for most of the day. By 16h00 the water is quite warm, and ready for use!

make shift shower

Make-shift shower

The showers are calculated and quick! We use between 7-10 liters per use, which makes it super efficient! As I said before, going off-grid is not easy, but super rewarding!

sun warms heart

What have you done to go green? Please share!

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How to organise a small kitchen: DIY kitchen caddy

Kitchen caddy~{Organising aid that helps to streamline operations inΒ kitchen.}Β 

Having a small kitchen comes with its own challenges. We are still building our home, thus there are many things that still needs to be done. Including our kitchen. We do not have cupboards yet, thus I have had to improvise.


Kitchen area

We have had to cleverly divide the big room into different functional areas. Behind the kitchen is Ashley’s office. To the left is the dining area.

I needed a solution to hangΒ our keys and hang paper towel, foil and cling wrap. I picked up an old spice rack a while back at the local charity store. They were actually throwing it out. (the pic below is not the original spice rack. I forgot to take a before pic! Uuuugh! This one I got from the internet.)



I sanded it down, and spray-painted it. I wanted a muted colour to fit in with the room divider, as I did with the spice rack I am currently using.

Kitchen caddy

Kitchen caddy

It has enough space to hang the keys, a resting place for the firelighter (which I use to light the gas stove), the paper towel roll and cling wrap, etc. I used the dowels as the rails to slide the cling wrap on.

Caddy next to black spice rack

Caddy next to black spice rackre

Besides the fact that it blends so well into the background, it is really practical too! Another great way of up-cycling an old spice rack.

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Going potty!: DIY-planter

Aaaaaah! πŸ™‚

…what a nice holiday break we had!

I purposefully switched off and it was great!

Now I am attempting to go back to what seems normal. No more sand between my toes. “Take me back to the beach!”

Towards the end of 2015, I made two small planters. It was an idea that I was toying with. Obviously it was my first attempt. I had two special households in mind when I made it.

I gave one to my cuz, Damian and his wife Lucinda as a gift. We stayed a night with them in Bloemfontein en route to Paarl before Christmas. When we returned in January en route to Jozi, I was pleasantly surprised to see them appreciate it like this!


Ain't it cute?

Ain’t it cute?

planter done 2

Love the grain of the wood

planter done

I think the pink one is my favourite

They bought little succulentsΒ in the cutest holders. Β It warmed my heart. Look at it sitting pretty on their kitchen counter! What a nice way to bring the outside in…and these babies require very little maintenance.

Here is the before picture when I just completed it. It is made with saligna wood. It was left untreated as I wasn’t sure which finish they would like. They opted to keep it raw.



The other one I gave to one of my school buddies, Bernadette and her hubby, Andre. We visited them in Jeffreysbay also. Uhm…cannot wait to see how they have used it! Send those piccies Bernie!

Here’s to a wonderful 2016 for us all!

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DIY: Kiddies playstove

Play stove ~ {A wooden-build toy stove for kids to introduce them to the culinary world by encouraging imaginativeΒ play}

Another project I completed when doing my training course in carpentry in October, I am very excited about this one…especially since it is a surprise for my girls. They have no idea I made it for them…it is hidden in a special place…awaiting to be revealed in time for Christmas! Ssshuuuuuuuushhhhhh!


Vintage-inspired play stove

I was inspired by this oneΒ I found on Ana White’s website. I am hoping to build the complete kitchen over the next few months.


In progress

In progress

I used supa-wood off-cuts. I completed the project under the guidance of my training supervisor.




Inside oven

It needs a few tweaks here and there, but I will give it to them in a few weeks time! I need to give it another lick of paint but I am super excited…remember don’t say anything…it’s a secret!


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DIY: Tap your Tippy Tap

Tippy Tap ~ {The tippy tap is a hands free way to wash your hands that is especially appropriate for rural areas where there is no running water. It is operated by a foot lever and thus reduces the chance for bacteria transmission as the user touches only the soap. It uses only 40 millilitres of water to wash your hands versus 500 millilitres using a mug. Additionally, the used β€œwaste” water can go to plants or back into the water table.}

I had so much fun making this project!

Tippy Tap 4

As per previous posts, you will read that we currently use an outside bathroom facility as our container home is still under construction. It houses a shower and toilet, but no hand-wash basin. This posed a health problem as we couldn’t wash our hands. For the last few months we have been washing our hands in the kitchen sink! Uhm…not ideal.

Outside bathroom

Outside bathroom

Anyhooo. It was time to improvise. I saw this cool device on a local programme, Voetspore, a few months ago. It immediately caught my attention.

In my rubbish stash, I had some old easelsΒ that would be perfect to use. I used them previously for another cool project, where I made an A-frame shelf.

I started off attaching the frame to the fence. The idea is not to make a permanent fixture. So the fence was perfect.

I leveled it and assembled it. I added a water bottle and soap. Β To fully operate it needs a foot lever which you fasten with rope and tie it to the bottle neck.




Attach frame to fence

Tippy Tap 1

Fully assembled

Tippy Tap 2

5 liter bottle and soap on a rope

Tippy Tap 3

With foot lever


How to use tippy tap

The kids love this new device! It promotes good hand-washing habits and it is fun to use!

Would you use a tippy tap?

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A little rubbish here and there…

I have become a professional scavenger by now. I know what I want, otherwise I can easily be seen as a hoarder.

I am so excited about my new finds…



Not sure yet what they’ll be…Watch this space…

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DIY – Salvaged chest of drawers

Chest of drawersΒ ~ {Furniture with drawers for keeping clothes}

I love going to the rubbish dump. Last year I got this beauty from the local dump by chance.


Just a skeleton

So I used it as is, without drawers, in our bathroom. About a year ago I did not have the skills to restore it. My training in carpentry has definitely paid off! I have managed to make 3 drawers to fit!

Drawer front

Drawer front


Drawer inside

Front view

Done – Front facade

Side view

Side view


Up close

Up close

I used Saligna wood and decided not to finish it with handles. I wanted a simple look and just made big holes for our fingers to pull it out. I have also decided to not paint the drawers white. I just love it!

Another great up-cycled project that cost me very little!

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